Therapeutic Massage
Customised Massaging Technique for your Problems
Touch becomes a strong tool of healing and transformation when used scientifically in a holistic healthcare setting. Dry touch; using powders of dried herbs breaks down accumulated Kapha, fat, and ama. It also dries up excessive fluidity and water retention in the body. Oily touch; using herbal oils calms down Vata and VataPitta. A warm touch using herbs with hot potency calms down Vata and Kapha. Cooling touch is Pitta and Rakta calming. Skin is one of the safest root of administration of herbal supplement molecules. Fat soluble molecules used as powders or oils to massage are absorbed through hair follicles and sweat pores into the blood circulation. Stretching of muscles, tractions of joints and spine, nerve pulling techniques, trigger point activations are various techniques used to reverse specific tissue damages and pathologies. Dr. Vijith has developed unique massage sequences that connect the energy body of the patron with the cosmic body which open up and activate deeper healing channels.
Relaxing Ayurveda Massage
- 50 minutes Relaxing Full Body Massage
- Herbal Oil
- Holistic Approach
Rejuvenating Ayurveda Massage
- 90 minutes Relaxing Full Body Massage
- Head Massage
- Herbal Oil
- Holistic Approach
Personalised Therapeutic Massage Session
- In-depth Consultation
- Assessment of Constitution & Health Problems
- 75 minutes Customized Massage
- Most Suitable Herbal Oil/ Herbal Powder
- Advice on Lifestyle and Diet
Send an email to [email protected] for more information.