Ayurvedic Lifestyle Workshop
Dinacharya – Morning Regimen
Ayurveda advises a daily regimen to flow with the current of nature. The forces guiding the universe also operate in the human body, which can, if disturbed, bring about imbalances in the doshas. A well-organized lifestyle enables chronic imbalances to come, over time, back to an equilibrium. The Self-care workshop will give you some important tools to find balance even when there are established diseases in you. In this era of lifestyle disorders this also becomes a strong preventive tool to avoid even familial tendencies of diseases. You’ll have the opportunity to join the applied self-care wisdom of Ayurveda. Please bring a yoga mat, a towel, and comfortable clothes for 5 Vayu exercises.
What is included in this Workshop?
- Chanting of Ayurvedic sutras about daily regimen from ancient scriptures and analyzing its relevance and application by Dr. Vijith.
- We will serve Chai tea, a delicious Ayurvedic lunch, and tea/ water to drink throughout the day.
- Afterwards we will send a video of the 5 Vayu exercises for you to learn and practice at home.
- The rationale behind the design of Ayurvedic daily regimen written by dr. Vijith Sasidhar will also be sent to you as a PDF for your further reading and understanding.

Ayurveda Cooking Workshop
“When you invest time in cooking, the returns will be at least double the time extra in your life expectancy.”
Dr. Vijith Sasidhar.
Cooking is considered as half-digesting according to Ayurveda. Cold breakfast is often found as a common challenge for digestion and metabolism in the West. Considering the shortage of time to cook in the morning, Dr. Vijith and Jennemieke offer a quick fix to this problem. Healthy breakfast options which can be prepared in 15 minutes will be demonstrated during this cooking workshop. You are invited to join this workshop from 9am in the morning. After having breakfast together, there will be a discussion of important principles of cooking and digestion. A salty version of a breakfast will then be prepared and served which can also be used as a healthy and warm lunch. We will enjoy this recipe once it is ready, and we will conclude the workshop by 3pm.
What is included in this Workshop?
- Demonstration of two healthy breakfast and lunch options.
- A warm breakfast and warm lunch for you.
- 1 hour of theoretical explanation of Ayurvedic cooking principles.
- We will serve Chai tea, and tea/ water to drink throughout the day.
- Afterwards we will send you a few delicious Ayurvedic recipes for you to cook well-balanced meals at home.
- Dr. Vijith’s article on ingredients of a balanced diet.

Send an email to [email protected] for more information.