Ayurvedic Seminars for Self-Healing

Ayurveda is considered as the fifth Veda or the Upaveda of the fourth Veda, Atharva Veda.
It is the Veda for protecting the life from any sort of diseases or discomforts. Ayurveda promises Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha to those who follows its advises with supreme respect. Benefits of Ayurveda is of two. Protecting the health of healthy people through preventive health advises and Curing the diseased of the sick and bringing them back to normal life.

All Ayurvedic Treatises starts with Chapters on preventive health. Daily Regimen or your regular daily activities determine the quality of your life. The seminar will focus on how you can plan a healing regimen for yourself. How to adapt these self healing regimen according to your constitution or Imbalances, will be discussed in detail.

2-days Weekend Seminar Ayurveda for Self-Healing

Saturday’s and Sunday’s

  • Dinner time – Bed time – Awakening time.
  • Oil application – Physical exercise – Self massage.
  • How many meals per day are healthy?
  • How to plan it according to constitution, physical activities, and climate
  • Kapha Clearing Regimen – Eye irrigation, Nasal irrigation and Gargling.
  • Demonstration and practice of 5 Vayu exercises.

What is included per day?

  • Seminar by dr. Vijith from 09:00-16:00
  • Assignments & interactions with other students from 16:00-18:00
  • Lunch at 12:00

5-days Advanced Seminar Ayurveda for Self-Healing

Monday’s until Friday’s

  • Day 1 – What is constitution / Body type? What are signs of Vata type?
  • Day 2 – What are signs of Pitta Type?
  • Day 3 – What are signs of Kapha Type?
  • Day 4 – What is digestive fire (Agni)? What is metabolic delay (Ama)? What are types of indigestions? What is its management?
  • Day 5 – What is food? Which are the food ingredients advised for regular intake? Which food ingredients are imbalancing if taken regularly?

What is included per day?

  • Seminar by dr. Vijith from 09:00-16:00
  • Assignments & interactions with other students from 16:00-18:00
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Tea, and Dinner
  • Accommodation
  • Yoga 07:00-08:00
  • Pujja, Meditation, Q&A sessions with Swami

Send an email to [email protected] for more information.